clear as a crisp spring morning!


What's "dream fishing"?- It's the process of having daydreams, observing them and catching the coolest ones and turning them into inspiration! And it's the best!!

Welcome to my personal website. All of the dates are [day/month/year]. I try my best to make it mobile-compatible but as always for the best experience consider using Firefox on PC. Get comfortable and feel free to look around, glad to have you here.

empty image for now, placeholder

To Do:

  • Create a general landing page for current projects
  • Make a dedicated updates and assets page for Fish Game (working title)
  • Set up a "character shrine" page
  • Make at least 1 little animation for each page (4+1/7)
  • Write a gallery script
  • Finish the Gallery
  • Make a pagedoll (wip)
  • ID all of the images
  • Get it twisted, have fun with it
Status Cafe

Feel free to hotlink!

as above so below
2023 - 20XX
a green fluffy alien sleeping wearing a baby blue nightcap and holding a cow plush toy